Ok, so if you somehow escaped my youtube channel and Facebook page and didn't know, I have a girlfriend. Easter weekend I got to meet her family and she got to meet mine, which is always fun. Her family rocked, and my family thought she was great so all was well. I'm sorry I don't have some ridiculous "Meet the Parents"-esque story to tell you. I am super happy. She is amazing.
ReVenge leaves for Philadelphia on May 11th. We're gonna be in the city until the 16th, filming the a TV show pilot that we plan on pitching to some networks later this year. I'm sure you've most likely heard this before but the dates are finally set and we are very excited to go do this. When we get back we're going to start production on T shirts and decks. At least that is the plan.
I guess I don't have too much to say, it's just been a while since I updated this. I'm gonna start using this for posting photos and whatever randomness I come up with, so hopefully I'll be more consistent. Speaking of, I'll have some pics below from this weekend!
Videos coming soon! - We Want ReVenge 14 (this weekend) Jace's Birthday Skate video ( next week)
In addition, I'm going to be filming The Falling Skateboarder 3 soon I hope, and I plan on doing the second TR show as well. So stay tuned! Oh and if you missed James Ford 2, then watch it at the very bottom of this post!
Here are those pics:
Tore my hand to shreds while filming WWR 14! (sorry if you don't like looking at blood, but it healed and my hand is fine and dandy now)
Brittany's dad is a firefighter and he gave me a tour of the Firehouse he is currently stationed at. It rocked. Here is Ms. Beautiful in a fire hat. (sorry it's a bit dark, darn bright light behind her)
Who wouldn't have their picture taken by this vehicle? (yes I have a red shirt on, don't freak out! I wear Polos over my t shirt sometimes!)
My grandma made these, she is totally a cupcake Jedi
Freaking aw, right?
James ford 2 came out last weekend, watch it if you haven't already! Later guys!