Saturday, April 28, 2012

5 Hilarious Videos You Have To Watch!

Here are 5 classic Youtube videos. Enjoy! I love doing goofy skits/pranks I really need to do more! Until next time! Later dudes! - Andy

Sunday, April 15, 2012

5 Videos of mine you may not have seen!

OK guys, so I'm going through my videos altering every info and thought I'd put together some videos of mine you might not have seen before. Some of them are goofy! Hope you enjoy!

And! the very first video that called us the ReVenge crew!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Work, work, Brittany, Baby, Repeat

What's up guys! I really wanna start using this more often. So I figured I'd give you an insight on what's going on in my lifel lately. There are a bunch of pictures below as well!

Alright so Ryden is home and life has definitely been busy. I'm working myself to death! But things are really moving in the right direction. I just wish I had more time in each day!

I start my day out by sitting with Ryden and Brittany while I feed the little guy. Kiss the two of them goodbye, then I'm out the door. If I get an early enough start I go to the park and run a mile- to a mile and a half. I'm really trying to lose some weight but it's hard because I don't have much time to exercise, including skating!

Then I buy one taco from Moes, and go watch 30 rock at the office. Then I get to work, which means work on/film videos, get ReVenge orders ready to go out and any odds and ends that need to be done, such as texes, which I really need to send out Monday!

On days that I work my night Job, I have to be there at 5, on days I'm off I usually have to go out filming a youtube video then I'm back home by 7ish 8ish. Then it's family time, which lately has been consisting of watching Heroes with Brittany or going over to her parents house. Much of the time I have to work on my laptop, editing until about 10 or 11pm while we watch TV as well. Including filming, I literally work 10 to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's nuts. Thankfully I get to spend some of that work time with my family!

So I can't wait for things to settle down a little bit. I'm almost making enough money from online revenue that I will be able to qui my night gig soon. Then once that happens and I buy a real house and have my office at home I will have a somewhat normal life. The day I have time to relax and play video games or read, or whatever I want to do, is gonna be the best day ever! I have no personal time ever. In fact when I am skating, I don't usually have time to warm up; I'm either filming others or I just go straight to a trick I think is film worthy for myself.

In other news, I got Engaged! Having a baby came much earlier into my life and Brittany and I wern't going to try to plan a wedding and have our first child at the same time, so now that Ryden was here I knew I had to get on that. I set up a big surprise event along the Ohio river, that overlooked downtown Cincinnati at night, and it went smoothly! It was great!

I'll have some more light hearted random posts in the future. I hope whoever reading this enjoys reading my rambling! Here are those pics! Later Guys! - Andy

It's Facebook Official!

Here are some shots of the ring!

That's right, I take time to shoot glamour shots of myself!

WWR21 Promo!

Here's a quick shot of Alex, Sam and I while shooting WWR21.

Haha this is pretty darn cute.

My new favorite photo of Ryden. I spent at least 20 minutes off and on, staring at this today while I was at work.

Old shot of me Nollie back 180ing off this loading dock/bump. Shot by Brian Ambs,

This was a headline in my loacl paper ... I love things like this. It makes the world much more entertaining.

Naked Ryden!

Old screen cap of my boardsliding the famous Hollywood High 16 stair.

One of my favorite photos I've ever shot. Alex Buening and the Ohio River.

Me while filming the latest TR show ... and if you're confused watch it below!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Philadelphia! Again!

Ok so this happened a few weeks ago but I visited Philly for a weekend to film for ReVenge's full length video and had a really good time in a short period of time, so I figured I'd tell you guys about it!

So we left around noon on a thursday. The crew was Sam, Alex, Gary Billow, and myself. We ate at our local mall oddly enough and right before we were about to leave Gary decides he needs to buy a Ukulele for the trip ... so he did haha.

10 hours later we were rolling into Philadelphia. I contacted Kerry Getz on the way and talked about possibly skating with him while we were in town. For those of you who don't know who Kerry Getz is, he is a professional skateboarder ... practically legend. I've been watching him skate and following his career since I was 14 so it's unreal still to think I even talk to him.

We got to the hotel and went to sleep after getting settled in. When we woke up the next morning I had a message from Kerry asking us to skate his ramp. So we met up with him at his skateshop, Nocturnal, then followed him to his house. And following someone in unfamiliar Philly/New Jersey traffic felt like a video game. Seriously tough stuff, but I rocked it.

We skated his ramp for a couple hours. Most perfect ramp ever! It was a lot of fun, I even filmed a 3 flip disaster on it. Afterwards I got to talk a little about Kerry's current projects and he was interested in keeping touch about it. It'd be insane to work with Kerry on anything so I was beyond psyched on that.

After that we skated street, I failed once again on landing my 3 double flip at the Philly 3 block. Then came dinner, Pats Cheesesteaks of course. It rocked. If you go there get cheese whiz and pizza sauce! Delicious.

Then we went to Love Park. The most famous skate spot of all time in my eyes. It's getting torn down this year. We didn't skate it but we did find pieces of the ground that had been broken up. We totally took pieces of Love Park. So we took it! We have a piece of skate history!

After Love we headed over to the rocky steps and raced up them, Alex beat me by one step! Then we took a picture of Gary punching the Rocky statue in the weiner ... that explains Gary in a nutshell haha.

Hotel. Sleep. Wakeup.

We skated a urban park under a bridge, then again at the 3 block. I failed at my trick again, but Sam filmed a heelflip and some random tricks down it. Then we hit up Temple university and I filmed 2 tricks over a flat loading dock gap. Then we headed back.

It was only 2 days but we had a lot of fun. Figured I'd write about it. Not sure if anyone cares, but here's some pics from it. And a video with a lot of Philly footage. (the new philly footage, what you just read about is toward the end of the video)

My life is insane and really difficult, good but difficult. I need to write about that. later guys!

Thanks Iphone, I'll just take THE exit.

Me at Love Park.

Me with a varial flip over the loading dock gap.

Me ollieing over Gary while he plays the ukulele

Me ollieing over Sam and Alex.

Every time we drive home from Philly we do this with our phones! Fun times!

Philladelphia, PA as seen from the Rocky steps.

Definitely my favorite pic of the trip. Hanging at Kerry's Ramp

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Life as a father who works 2 jobs, runs his own company ... and is trying to watch TV with his lady.

Ok guys, I'm going to try explain how nuts my life is right now.

For those of you who don't know, My son, Ryden Anthony Schrock, was born on January 27th at 9:31pm. He was about 8 weeks early. There can of course be complications with a premature birth but so far he has been doing great! He's breathing completely on his own, digesting his food, and all his vital levels have been consistent. I just have to wait until at least mid march until he comes home. So until then I get to drive across town to Children's Hospital where he is staying at the newborn intensive care unit.

With doing that every day, my schedule is absolutely insane. I wake up at 9 and get to the hospital around 10, hang out with Ryden until about noon. Then I hurry to my office to do video work until about 4 oclock. Then i get ready and go to my night job until about 10 or 11. Finally when my work day is done, I watch some TV shows with my lady (we're going through Lost currently, she hasn't seen it!) So it's always a to b for me. Tuesday nights I skate for 2 hours, and if i'm off on sunday's I go out for a couple more hours. It's crazy because I knew that I'd have a hard time with my schedule once the little one got here, but him being 35 minutes away, on the other side of town, makes it even harder. I can't wait until he is home so I can see him more and I can even work near him.

In the ReVenge world, things are great! We just got two new products in. Here are the pics!

I'm pretty psyched on these! They're available on our online store
We also are doing our third Philly trip during the first weekend of March. I can finally get a chance to land that 360 double flip that almost cost me my kidneys! I just pray that the weather isn't too bad ... knowing my luck it probably will be.

Well I'll soon be doing an update video talking more things that are going on, in the mean time I figured I would post some pics of Ryden though. Here are some baby pics!

I love this little dude! I'll have adorable footage of him soon I'm sure. Stay tuned guys!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hey! I'm alive!

I definitely want to start using this more. I haven't posted in forever. If you've missed my random pictures I always posted here then grab an Iphone and follow me on instagram! My name is recklessmob. Here's an example of the quality pics you've been missing!

Yeah that is Joey the dog, wearing my hat while opening his mouth and blinking ... which turned out for an amazing pic. I laughed at least.

This isn't a full fledged post mainly because I have something pretty serious to talk about that I can't talk about just yet. But there's a big announcement happening in about 26 hours. So once that happens, later this weekend, I'll write a more in depth post that will make you laugh, cry, and ... a bunch of other crazy emotions I don't know.

So let me know if you want to hear more of my ramblings, personal pictures, and golden items I find on the net. In the mean time, check out these awesome animal videos(that you've hopefully already seen)!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Metro Tour!

Ok so this is way over due and the videos to go along with it are even further over due! But here it is, here is how my time on the Metro tour went:

The night I left for the trip, I managed to get 1.5 hours of sleep ... I can never sleep before a big day. This is beyond annoying. I woke up at 2am. Loaded a youtube video, then left Cincinnati by 3am. First stop was Herndon Virginia, more specifically Josh "Enminem" Katz's house. I stopped in Maryland and slept at a rest stop for almost 2 hours. That rocked ... kinda. But after a long, zombie-ish drive I arrived around 2pm.

It was raining ... of course. In my life it rains at least 50% of the time. Always. Everywhere. Even inside my own house. Rain all the time.

I met up with Metro, Chris McNugget, and Company at Josh's house. Josh got home from school soon after and we spent the rest of the day filming in a hurry. We filmed at Josh's house for WWR18, and we literally only had time for two takes, then we were gone. We skated at an indoor skatepark in Baltimore called Charm City. We sat in traffic forever, both there and back. We headed back to the Katz's residence where Josh's parents were nice enough to cook dinner for everyone.

What felt like the fastest day ever was of course now over. We left Virginia and got a hotel in Maryland. The next day was amazing. So amazing. It was raining in Maryland unfortunately, so we headed up to Philly. It's the third time I've skated this city in the last year and I seriously don't get tired of it!

We started with FDR, one of our country's more popular skateparks. It was a lot of fun. Chris and Ratface killed it! I had fun skating a little bank thing with Daniel Dubois. After FDR, we skated the spot that almost killed my kidney's. I tried to get ReVenge but I was skating new shoes and I just didn't have control of my board for flip tricks that day. Bummer. Ryan Young was trying a very insane front board to 10 foot drop. He almost had it but broke his board. I got to have a pretty rocking convo with Brett Novak too, who if you haven't heard of him he's a very talented videographer/artist ... a better way to describe him is a video Jedi. Seriously, youtube "Kilian Martin" and watch those skate videos. They are beautiful.

Next up was Love Park. This place is normally a super bust but we were lucky enough to skate a full session. It is arguably the most famous skate spot of my generation, possibly of all time. I got a few whatever tricks and Ratface did something pretty crazy that I can't speak of! After Love, we hit up Pats for their world famous Cheesesteaks, and we were on the road.

The next day we got a late start and drove to New Jersey and ended up staying in the Jersey Shore ... yeah that Jersey Shore. We basically drove all of this day.

We woke up the next day and Chris Mcnugget helped me film a few quick Falling Skateboard clips on the Jersey Shore boardwalk. We got two falls then got kicked out by a very unhappy bike cop who had already talked to quite a few of us about not having skateboards there. I had no idea, I apologized, ate some Italian sausage on the boardwalk, and we were off to Hackensack New Jersey where we met up with a Zach and Stephen and their friends. I tried some hippie jump off of some stairs, over a saw horse and took quite a few slams, eventually lost a section of my thumb and called it quits.

We went to Zach's house, celebrated his Birthday with his family who were awesome. We chatted with them, ate the pizza they got for us and had an all around great time. We then took off to the big city. For the first time in my life, I was in New York City. And it was insane. It didn't feel real.

We woke up the next day and it was such a day. Unfortunately I was super sore from the hippie jump so I didn't get to do much skating. We took the subway from Brooklyn to Manhattan, skated two famous skate spots, ate New York pizza, and got to visit Ground Zero just hours before 9/11/11. That too felt surreal.

After the long New York day I had to head back toward Ohio. I said my goodbyes, which wasn't too sad because I knew the guys would be visiting me in Columbus only days later.

I stopped in Scranton Pennsylvania to sleep over night. I was so psyched. I know that the TV show The Office wasn't filmed there but it's definitely set in Scranton. So I woke up the next day, and checked out a lot of the places that they talked about in The Office and finally continued on my journey home.

After a very fast 5 days, I got home and had a mellow night with the girlfriend. I have no idea if anyone actually read all that, haha, but I hope it wasn't too boring. I had an absolute blast on tour. All the footage from it will be up soon!

I just wanted to thank everyone: Joel, Daniel, Ratface, Chris, Darren, Travis, Ryan, Garick, and Brett: It was awesome to meet all of you guys and I can't wait to have a round two!

So I'm done, here are mass pictures and a quick video from the tour. Later blog readers! - Andy

Being from Cincinnati ... this is a new one.

Enminem gets interviewed!

Pats = Best cheesesteaks ever!

WaWa should be the only convenient store in the entire country. Best place ever.

Some of the best burgers in America. Thank you George Allen for the heads up!

New York City. It's a shame I didn't get to get some good pics of the city.

Chris stole my guitar at every spot. He can play pretty good though!

This pigeon had to be sick, which is unfortunate. But he would have let me pick him up I'm pretty sure. I shot this about an inch away from him!

My first time in the subway. pretty cool.

This better be used in a ReVenge ad some day.

The two beams of light from Ground Zero. We were there the last time they went out ... I think.

Yeah the mall at Steamtown has a Dunder Mifflin store! haha it rocks!

This look familiar?

Ah Rainy Columbus, this is what I got home to. Of course.